Control Panel
This is your cental command point.
On the left side of window there is a tree of notes's groups. The most upper node of tree is called "All Groups" and cannot be removed or modified. If this node is selected, all notes from all groups are shown in the list on the right side of window. In this case you cannot drag-and-drop notes.
If no groups has been created before - the default one, "General", will be created at program start and all notes will belong to this group.
The toolbar of groups's tree deals with groups and it's actions are described in table below:

Button Action
Creates new top-level group (group located under "All Groups").
Creates new subgroup in selected group.
Modify selected group (name and/or icon).
Deletes selected group. All notes belong to selected group and all it's subgroups will be deleted as well. You cannot delete the "General" group because it is required for normal program behavor - but you can change it's name instead.
Shows all notes from selected group.
Hides all notes from selected group.

This toolbar has corresponding pop-up menu with the same buttons, appears after right mouse button click on the groups's tree.
while creating or modifying group, you can choose it's name and/or group's icon from a list of available icons.
You can also drag any group (except "All Groups") to new location within tree and assign it a new parent group.

On the right side of window there is a list of notes belong to selected group or all notes if "All Groups" is selected. If you choose "Details" view, the list will show number of columns, depending on which group is selected in groups's tree. In case of "All Groups" there will be 4 columns:

Meaning of each column is self-explanatory.
If any other group is selected the "Group" column becomes unvisible.
Each note is presented in list with appropriate icon. Meaning of icons is described in table below:

Icon Description
Unchanged note.
Changed note.
Scheduled note.
Scheduled and changed note.
New (unsaved) note.
New (unsaved) changed note.
New (unsaved) and sceduled note.
New (unsaved), scheduled and changed note.
(*)Icons in table refer to visible notes. Unvisible notes are presented with the same icons, but in different color -

The main toolbar located at the top of window allows to perform various operations with notes, as described in table below:

Button Action
Creates new note. If "All Groups" is selected, the new note is being created in default "General" group, otherwise it is being created in selected group.
Saves selected note.
Saves selected note with new name.
Opens Adjust dialog for selected note.
Saves all notes.
Shows docking options for all notes.
Shows selected note.
Shows all notes.
Hides selected note.
Hides all notes.
Move selected notes to the center of screen and make it visible.
Centralize selected note like previous button and restore it's default size. Added as "S.O.S" button for the cases when note by some mystery reasons gets negative sizes (may be on system restart)
Deletes selected note.
Sends content of selected note via email.
Applies "Icons" list view style.
Applies "Small Icons" list view style.
Applies "List" list view style.
Applies "Details" list view style.
Shows program preferences dialog.
Brings up search dialog.
Shows program help.

This toolbar has corresponding pop-up menu with the same buttons, appears after right mouse button click on the notes's list.